11/11/11 11:11:11am And A Total Solar Eclipse |
Only 11 days until the calendar and clock read 11/11/11 11:11:11am. You gotta admit, that's pretty cool.
And for those of you who like to plan way ahead: On August 21, 2017, there will be a total solar eclipse whose path will go all across the US mainland. See the map of its path.
15 Years Of 2% OTM Options On The Russell 2000 |
The University of Massachusetts recently released a study on covered calls that examines returns on a buy-write strategy for the Russell 2000 index over a 15 year period. The short summary:
"Over the 182 month period of analysis, the RUT buy‐write strategy using 2% out‐of‐the‐money, one‐month calls generated higher returns than the underlying index (8.87% versus 8.11%) at about three‐quarters of the standard deviation (16.57% versus 21.06%)."

Higher returns with less volatility? Works for us. We discuss this 34-page report (and make it available for download) in our article on the University of Massachusetts' Buy-Write Study.
Any Dividend Yield For Any Stock |
How would you like a 3% annual dividend yield on GOOG? Or a 5% yield on BAC? Or a 10% yield on AAPL? And still leave yourself room for some capital appreciation?
Well, you can do it with covered calls and we've done all the math for you.
Introducing... the Born To Sell Synthetic Dividend Yield Pages! We've got a page for every stock or ETF in existance. Here are a few examples:
And, those pages update prices during market hours. Sweet.
For more information and to find synthetic dividend yields for your favorite stock or ETF see our blog article on Dividend Yield.
Example Covered Call Portfolio |
We are asked all the time to provide example covered call portfolios that are conservative and diversified. Rather than just give you the answer, we wrote an article on how to go about constructing the answer so that you can do it yourself. The methodology is straightforward and anyone can do it. Please read our article on Example Covered Call Portfolios.
Vote For Born To Sell! |
We've been nominated for a trading software award. If you like our covered call software, please vote for us in the
TraderPlanet 2011 Star Awards
After you click the link, scroll down to the Trading Software category and we are listed as "Covered Call Investment Tools".
Born To Sell TV |
Sexy leading ladies, handsome heros, evil villians, tricky plot lines, surprise endings, explosions and car crashes... some new action hero movie? No!
It's Born To Sell TV! And while our videos may not have *all* of the above, we do promise quick and to the point "how to" videos for covered call writers.
Check out our new YouTube channel, Born To Sell TV. While you're there click the Subscribe button so you can stay infromed of new covered call videos as they become available.
RMBS And 3 Other Covered Calls For Nov 19 Expiration |
With just over 3 weeks to go until the Nov options expire, the top 4 covered calls Born To Sell members have written are (in order of popularity):
Rank | Symbol | Strike |
1. | RMBS | 17 |
2. | MSFT | 27 |
3. | BAC | 6 |
4. | INTC | 25 |
(Note: Born To Sell members have access to the full Top 10 Covered Call list, as well as having this list update real-time as members change positions. These are not recommendations, they are merely a reflection of our members' current positions.)
INTC And Other Covered Call Watchlist Stocks |
Currently, the top 8 stocks Born To Sell members are using for their Watchlist are (in order of popularity):
Rank | Symbol |
1. | INTC |
2. | AAPL |
3. | MSFT |
4. | T |
5. | JNJ |
6. | GE |
7. | BAC |
8. | F |
(Note: Born To Sell members have access to the full Top 20 Watchlist, as well as having this list update real-time as members change their watchlists. And, you can have the highest yielding covered calls from your personal watchlist emailed to you after the close each day. Never miss a fat premium from your watchlist again!)
Want More Covered Call Goodness? |
Born To Sell is dedicated to only one thing: Making Money With Covered Calls. Our subscribers have access to state-of-the-art covered call screeners and covered call portfolio management tools. For less than the profit of a single trade you could be enjoying recurring monthly income using our tools. Three subscription types to choose from:
Term | Price |
Monthly | $59.95 |
Quarterly | $149.95 (17% discount) |
Annual | $499.95 (31% discount) |
Plus, all subscriptions begin with a no-obligation 2-week free trial. What are you waiting for? Start collecting premium today!
Happy Trading,
The Born To Sell Team